Alumni & Friends of SPAA

SPAA Alumni Program Pages
See the links below to access the respective SPAA alumni webpages for our graduate programs! The rest of this page provides an overview of various alumni opportunities for engagement and support regardless of your SPAA program.
Master of Public Administration (MPA)
MPA Alumni including KUCIMATs can find relevant information here.
Master of Urban Planning (MUP)
MUP Alumni can find resources on connecting and the advisory board here!
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Alumni Opportunities for Connection
Biweekly Newsletter (formerly Greener Grass - still has jobs included!)
Sign up for SPAA's bi-weekly newsletter which provides school/faculty updates, recognizes alumni, and promotes jobs in public administration.
Update Your Information
Update Your Info if you've had a job, address, or contact change!
Join KU Mentoring!
Currently, the MPA program is the only SPAA alumni group to have a KU Mentoring page but groups for our other programs are forthcoming and you can still get your account set up today!
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Your support is critical to our program. We could not graduate the next generation of leaders without your help. Your assistance helps:
- Provide scholarships
- Find internship placements for our students
- Recruit students who are ready to give back to communities
- Fund cutting-edge research
- Introduce students to their professions
- Meet students' needs in times of challenge
- Mentor young leaders
There are several ways to get or stay involved with us after you graduate. The governing boards listed below have more information about ways to contribute your time talent, and treasure to our School.