Professional Development Offered by the Public Management Center

Kansas State Capitol Building

Public Service Lies at the Heart of Democracy

Certified Public Manager Program

The only credentialed program for public service professionals. This year-long leadership course has a competency-based curriculum, and ends with a capstone project that benefits their organization. Participants develop a professional network that extends far beyond the end of the course. CPM runs from January to November each year.

Emerging Leaders Academy

Tailored to non-supervisory or managerial staff this 10 session course runs twice a year in February-June and again September-December. It prepares front line staff for leadership roles in organizations. ELA has proven to be a valuable succession planning tool for organizations looking to the future.

Supervisory Leadership Training

This popular 3-day course provides supervisors with the latest research and best practices in supervision. Assessing your strengths and learning how to knit together the strengths of your team proves an invaluable tool for creating a high-performing organization.

For More About Professional Development

Visit the KU Public Management Center for more information on all of our services to the public service community. We believe public service lies at the heart of democracy.