Learn More About SPAA's Three Professors of the Practice

Wed, 12/31/1969


Sydney Grace Bannister

At the School of Public Affairs and Administration, we take pride in fostering a dynamic learning environment where theory meets practice. Our Professors of the Practice embody this, bringing a wealth of real-world experience and leadership to our academic community. Let's dive into the remarkable journeys of three outstanding individuals: Karl Brooks, Hannes Zacharias, and Thom Allen.

Karl Brooks: A Lifelong Advocate for Public Service

Returning to the University of Kansas in 2022 after a dozen years of dedicated public service, Karl has discovered a welcoming home in the School of Public Affairs and Administration. Years ago, his initial role as a KU historian and law teacher provided him with the opportunity to delve into research on environmental and political topics central to his two busy decades in Idaho politics and law. Departing from KU in 2010, he embraced President Obama's appointment as the EPA's senior administrator in the American Heartland. Now, Karl endeavors to instill a passion for public service in both SPAA undergraduate and graduate students.

Reflecting on his journey, Karl shared, "When I started practicing law in my hometown of Boise, Idaho, in 1983, I dreamed of doing justice and representing my neighbors, inspired by my youthful heroes Senator Frank Church and Governor Cecil Andrus. Now, at SPAA, I have the opportunity to share their inspiring examples with a new generation of public and non-profit leaders."

Situated in an institution renowned for training transformative leaders, Karl finds himself amidst one of the most profound challenges to democratic self-governance America has experienced in over half a century. "We have to accept the burden of service," Karl believes, "or our experiment in popular government could be dashed on the rocks of self-interest and partisan extremism."

Karl's initiation into politics was a challenging journey: winning election to the Idaho Senate at age 30, campaigning door-to-door, and drafting bills that preserved Idaho's legacy of wild rivers and unmatched environmental quality. He then tested his ideals in the American Heartland, where environmental regulations faced skepticism and legal resistance. Karl's reputation for administrative excellence led to his designation as the EPA's acting Administrator in times of national peril, followed by President Obama's nomination as the EPA's national operations manager.

Reflecting on his diverse experiences, Karl notes, "My last public administrative role came as a senior staff leader for New Mexico's court system, a state as different from Kansas as any place could be. But people are people, and the job of serving the public fairly, transparently, and efficiently is the same whether you're savoring New Mexico chiles or Kansas barbeque."

At SPAA, Karl imparts knowledge on legal systems and administrative leadership, two of the program's crown jewels that seamlessly blend scholarship and service.

Hannes Zacharias: 40 Years of Government Administration Expertise

With over 40 years of extensive experience administering government at the Federal, State, County, and City levels, Hannes Zacharias has forged a distinguished career in public service. His journey began in 1978 as the Executive Director of the Associated Students of Kansas, where he lobbied for all students across six Kansas Universities to the Board of Regents and the Kansas Legislature. This initial role set the stage for a multifaceted career that spans across various State and Federal positions.

Reflecting on his diverse experiences, Hannes shares, "These roles provided me with valuable insights into how federal and state programs interrelate. Being a paid lobbyist at the state level exposed me to the internal workings of state politics, which became immensely useful in my later local government positions."

In 1984, Hannes transitioned to local government, becoming the Assistant to the City Manager for the City of Lawrence. It was during this time that he encountered his primary mentor, Buford M. Watson Jr., just before Watson's term as President of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA).

"Having the privilege of working with and being mentored by Buford was a gift that made me realize my true calling was in serving local governments. The exposure to talented and motivated local government managers and leaders nationwide was inspirational and continues to motivate me to this day."

His career then took him to the role of City Administrator for Boonville, Missouri, where he played a pivotal role in securing a new bridge over the Missouri River, downtown preservation, and a new industrial park. In 1992, he assumed the position of City Manager for Hays, Kansas, serving for nine years. During his tenure, he facilitated economic development projects, implemented community recycling, and secured long-term water resources, earning the community the title of All-American City Award winner.

Reflecting on the water project, Hannes says, "Since 1945, the Hays community had been searching for water. Through the diligent efforts of the governing body, community, and regional partners, we secured a long-time water resource, providing an essential ingredient for sustainable development now and for decades to come. It was one of the more exciting projects I've had the privilege to be involved with in my career."

In 2001, Hannes joined the Johnson County (KS) management team, eventually becoming County Manager and serving for nine years. In this capacity, he oversaw all operations of Johnson County Government, coordinating services provided by over 4,200 employees. Hannes was responsible for preparing and submitting the county’s annual operating and capital budgets, totaling more than $1.06 billion. As County Manager, he appointed all 19 county department directors and was accountable for organizational performance, achievement, and service delivery.

His involvement with the Mid America Regional Council spanned 16 years, where he served on the Regional Homeland Security Coordinating Committee. In 2019, Hannes commenced his position as a Professor of Practice with the University of Kansas School of Public Affairs and Administration. In this role, he imparts practical application of public administration theory to graduate and undergraduate students, fostering a workforce focused on outcomes, inclusivity, and sustainability.

Thom Allen: Catalyst for Innovation in Urban Planning

Thom Allen's unwavering commitment to urban planning is evident through his innovative role as an academic leader and his deep engagement with communities. Over the course of his career, spanning various urban planning departments and civic agencies, Thom has consistently demonstrated a passion for enhancing public spaces through creative placemaking and effective planning strategies.

Currently serving as an Assistant Professor of Practice in the Urban Planning Program and the Associate Director of the University Honors Program, Thom takes the lead in promoting interdisciplinary methods in urban design and education. His educational journey includes studies in Architecture at Kansas State University and Urban Design at Columbia University in New York. Thom is also completing Master's degrees in Homeland Security and Environmental Assessment at the University of Kansas.

Thom's early career showcased significant contributions, working with the New York City Department of Construction on major mayoral initiatives like Pre-K for All and PlaNYC. He played a crucial role in the timely completion of childcare spaces for the new school year and led energy upgrades at key city facilities, including homeless shelters, a fire station, and a police station. Later, at the District of Columbia Office of Planning, Thom spearheaded creative placemaking projects in Wards 7 and 8, funded by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, and contributed to walkability studies. This extensive experience deepened his understanding of urban design in densely populated areas.

In his current role, Thom is dedicated to fostering a dynamic learning environment that emphasizes applied research and leadership. Using the University of Kansas as a practical setting for design interventions, he challenges students with real-world problems, encouraging a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application. His position as Associate Director of the University Honors Program highlights Thom's commitment to comprehensive education, where he manages the development of innovative curricula like first-year seminars.

Thom's work in tactical urbanism and creative placemaking stands out. He has designed courses exploring how temporary, affordable, and scalable urban interventions can significantly impact society. These initiatives not only improve the aesthetic and functional aspects of public spaces but also foster a sense of community and belonging among residents. A pivotal aspect of Thom's approach is his expertise in creative placemaking, enabling communities to transform and redefine their public spaces. He envisions these collaborative efforts as driving forces for ongoing urban renewal and community development, aiming to make a lasting positive impact on urban landscapes and their inhabitants.

Distinguished by their extensive real-world experience, Professors of the Practice bridge the gap between theory and application

Wed, 12/31/1969


Sydney Grace Bannister